Friday 1 August 2014

Why I am not an Artist : Creative Arts and its importance.

Why I am not an Artist.

Creative Arts ; are they important?

My main role here in Proyecto Horizonte has been working with the youth and engaging with the activities they have been doing be that dance, theatre, music or visual arts. To most people the arts are a hobby, a recreational activity and creative enjoyment which has its merit in its belief.  The question that remains is could it be more than simply this? 

As someone who has ventured out into being a creative partner that works in communities I have had the chance to engage many different demographics in society with the arts. The honest question that I find myself asking is whether the work we do in the arts is beyond skin deep? Whether the pieces that are created, be they performance or visual, have more impact than simply having something to entertain or muse at and be aesthetically pleasing.  After all art is somewhat introspective and subjective surely?

To some people the idea that I have been here doing art may seem at bit of an easy ride where others may be doing more ‘worthwhile’ things such as running campaigns and raising awareness for key issues or helping vast groups of people with their development or even working in an orphanage and showing love to the most vulnerable in society. In reality, my own conscience wrestles with that very issue of whether the creative things I get to do on a regular basis is more for my benefit and experience than for those whom I am meant to be serving. Who really gets the most out of the work that I am doing? I get to come home with paint on my hands as a sign of a day spent in creativity while others have the stains of children’s tears or the ink of printer from the policies and strategies that they are trying to implement. 

The question of the relevance of the work I do and the importance of it only resolves itself when I step back from staring so closely at every woven strand of the detail and look at the bigger picture. I guess measure for measure, will art change the world compared to implementing a new social policy or environmental strategy? In reality, no.  However, creative arts can impact the heart and soul and this for me is my domain. On the surface it seems I spend my time messing around, being creative and hanging out with the local people doing ‘stuff’ with them.  Take the chance to scratch pass this surface and other layers that lay unseen become apparent. I build relationships with these local people, especially youth, some which last for the life of the project, others for the life of the time spent with the people themselves  and some that actually continue for life.  The time spent with them is a chance to get to know each one as an individual, as a person and hear their thoughts and views on life and who they want to be and how they want to live, what their hopes and dreams are. I guess most of the deep things come out the longer I spend time and build relations with them because they first have to trust. The Arts are the tool used to get there. But the Arts are more than simply the tool to initiate connection.

 The Arts have always had a wider remit of impact beyond the people that create it.  Just like the old saying it’s a blessing both to give and to receive,  I suppose the Arts embody this for both the one who creates as the giver of expression and to the one who sees and experiences it as the receiver. Art influences culture and culture shapes society. We can all think of famous art pieces that were revolutionary at their time or music that defined an era and opened the way for change to arise or the theatre piece or film that tackled a political tension or highlights the blindness that lies within our paradigm of society.  Yet it is gentle enough to stop a person in ‘’that moment’’ and cause them to ponder and re-evaluate what they think. It has the ability to allow a door to open that may have been closed before, or touch an emotion that had been buried below layers of hurt.  

Now take this gentle strand and set it in a community where there are voices that have been silenced or unheard for many years and decades even, sit down with an individual who has a story to tell that only tells itself through drawings on page or lyrics of a song and then maybe you see the glimpse of where they reality of my work would begin to exist. Art no longer is a mere tool but part of the person, part of their expression and journey, something which they feel they have given life to and have a sense of achievement and pride in. Not all art has to be a deeply penetrating exercise. Sometimes it’s enough to simply give the opportunity for a father to stop from the rush of the nine to five day and spend the time making spaceships out of toilet roll and colour paper and felt tip pens with his three year old. All of it is building community, and this is why I love what I do. 

There is room for both the wide reaching influence of art that shapes a society and for the art that on the individual level allows expression and builds the bond between family members, friend to friend, young people to their community leaders.  The value of the work that I do doesn’t have a measuring stick or target levels that could be put in a manifesto of a government or be a statistic in someone’s report.  The real measure is when you see the faces of those who you work with change from being filled with hopelessness to having courage to try again or seeing the lives of those involved with your project be uplifted and revitalized, the young people that have a sense of pride in their graffiti wall they sprayed that they still boast of it to their friends months later and the ones who step forward and come to you with their ideas wanting to start their own projects.  

However, the reality is that some of these fruits of our labour ends up manifesting themselves many months and even years down the line.  Sometimes I may never see the outcome of impact in the lives I have encountered over the years as I move from one place to another, which is why stepping away from the immediate detail and taking in the big picture in is essential. If I didn’t choose to keep seeing above the immediate I would not pick up another paintbrush or choose to write another song again. Change and impact takes time to form its roots before it bears its fruit in the lives and community it has settled in. I and others like me are in it for the long haul and the future change, not for the quick instant fix, which is why from the outside it can seem that what we do may be very simple, uneffective and hedonistic. 

My work thrives on the micro and most likely is only seen by me and those directly involved with the art projects I do - but what gets left behind after the project ceases and I no longer see their faces? Legacy. The journey that was shared between all of us, the challenges they had to overcome, the comfort zone they had to step out of, the new relationships they have made, the fear they had to face, the silence they broke, the hope they now have, the smiles that stay on their faces. Community.  At times it does feel like a drop in the ocean on the grand world scale but for each individual that mere drop has ripple effects in their world. And as friend once told me though it may only be a drop, it is a drop and it still counts - for it is better than no drop at all. 

There will always be a joy for art in its multi-faceted form to be for sheer entertainment or for art’s sake, to be a created piece to be evaluated and admired or criticized.  A piece created for pleasure simply to bring pleasure.  There will always be artists whose sole course is to create and bring expression to what is internally dwelling inside them for the world to see.  A world without such Arts would become dull and grey and all art has its value.

So when many people ask me what I am doing here in Bolivia and indeed with my life and work I cannot truly claim to lead so glamourous a lifestyle of endless creative endeavour as a true artist. I am too concerned with filling the ocean with one drop at a time, and it may not change society or revolutionize the world but if has brought change which leads to transformation in the world of One then have I not conquered the greatest mountain of them all?  And each drop that I have seen fall in to a body of water greater than itself always creates a ripple effect.  Community.  

 And this is why I am not an Artist.

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Thursday 23 January 2014

And it all started with a Big Bang....

SO this year´s Christmas and New Year was sponsored by Friends And The Big Bang Theory. It´s on the TV all the time.. helps pass the time very nicely. But then it got a bit too literal.

New Year was spent travelling to Copacabana and being in Lake Titikaka and celebrating the beginning of the year. But i think it would be fair to say health and safety is not their strength seeing as they just lit fireworks in the middle of the street in the centre of the crowd of people with no prior warning. So walking passed a lit firework that shot straight at us was a pretty memorable experience. Had to run away (obviously) only to find that the firework followed us and exploded again so needed to run away yet again to find somewhere safe.

Thankfully the worse that it got was a friend having a small burn but no fingers blown off. Felt very protected and very thankful for Soverign protection! Sure is one way of celebrating New Year.

Shortly after this decided to make cake with a friend but the gas ovens here are tempramental so decided to go off and leak gas so when lighting the oven it was a explosive moment to say the least!  My beloved eyelashes were singed to half length and got a small burn on my wrist but again could have ended up needing hospital treatment but was protected from anything more serious! Made the start of 2014 pretty memorable that´s for sure!

Nothing quite like these things to make you aware of God´s protection! And i have a scar to remember to it all.....